Adam Vinatieri misses a field goal. Scott Norwood makes a field goal.
Lee Evans catches a pass. Clarence Davis drops a pass.
Aaron Bailey catches a pass. Jackie Smith catches a pass.
Dwight Clark drops a pass.
Lewis Billups makes an interception. Asante Samuel makes an interception.
Earnest Byner doesn't fumble. Jerry Rice is ruled to have fumbled.
Roger Craig doesn't fumble. Tom Brady is ruled to have fumbled.
Pete Stoyanovich makes a field goal. Adam Vinatieri misses another field goal.
Drew Pearson is called for pass interference. Ronnie Lott is not called for holding.
Ray Hamilton is not called for roughing.
Kevin Dyson scores.
Jack Tatum hits Fuqua with slightly less force.
And these are just some obvious ones.
Why do people rate quarterbacks based on “wins” and “rings” and so forth?
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